VIPIRG Research Project is Calling for Volunteers
This summer VIPIRG is carrying out a research project on newcomer food and health justice in Victoria. The project has a twofold goal. On the one hand we want to investigate the economic challenges new comers face to access affordable, culturally significant food. On the other hand we want to explore social challenges, such as discrimination, stigmatization and othering, that negatively impact their food experiences. After gathering first-hand information, we will produce a report to present our findings and put forward policy changes and initiatives.
Ethnic minorities whether immigrants, refugees, or Canadian born racialized persons are constantly marked as different from the dominant/mainstream culture in overt and sublet ways in regards to social structure and interaction. Food and food culture is not exempt from this reality; rather it is a sight of discrimination, judgement, and othering, Have you ever experienced a lunch box moment or witnessed one taking place?
Racialized and or ethno-cultural persons are reminded daily of their socially distinct identity whether it comes in the form of discriminant comments, reduced access to cultural foods and ingredients, or feelings of isolation. In more ways than one they are remained that their are not the same as their Caucasian/mainstream counterparts within Canadian society.
In order for our project to reflect the diverse lived experiences of new comers in Victoria, we want to hear your stories and welcome your input.Are you interested in social research and making an impact in your community? Are you interested in social research and making an impact in your community? Then consider joining Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group as a volunteer over the Summer for the Newcomer Food and Health Justice Research Project.
If you have related stories, lived experiences or insight you wish to share with us, or you have a passion for food and health justice and you want to participate in our project, simply email VIPIRG research director at Participants and volunteers will receive moderate compensations and bus passes.
We look forward to working with you!