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Empowering Educators: Building Anti-Racist Practices for Inclusive Classrooms

* Virtual Event (Held over Zoom)

Participants will walk away with new awareness and knowledge to better support racialized students, develop culturally inclusive pedagogy and develop an anti-racist praxis.

This workshop will be co-facilitated by Coastal Research, Education, & Advocacy Network (CREAN) staff composed of experienced researchers and youth with lived experience. Workshop content will build on lived experiences and data that CREAN has gathered from the Anti-Racism in Education (ARIE) project that began in 2018. It will also include information on how to support IBPOC students and how teachers can develop an anti-racist toolbox. 

Activities and discussion focus on exploring anti-racism and safer spaces for racialized students in schools. CREAN’s ARIE project results will be highlighted; the study shows a need for better understanding of racialized students’ experiences, and the timely delivery of culturally safe anti-racism training with students and teachers. This workshop aims to respond to these community-based insights and explore anti-racism and how educators can implement anti-racism initiatives. 

The workshop serves as an opportunity for educators and staff to discuss experiences of race, racism, and discrimination in schools, discuss existing efforts to combat racism, and focus on how educators and staff can further anti-racism initiatives, including developing tools for dealing with racist incidents and helping create safer spaces for racialized students.

This workshop is funded by the Government of Canada.

We respectfully acknowledge that this event takes place on the unceded territories of the Lekwungen (Chekonein, Chilcowitch, Swengwhung, Kosampsom, Whyomilth, Teechamitsa, Kakyaakan, Songhees, Esquimalt) and W̱SÁNEĆ (SȾÁUTW/Tsawout, W̱JOȽEȽP/Tsartlip, BOḰEĆEN/Pauquachin, WSIḴEM/Tseycum) Peoples.