Join CREAN as we explore the dynamic connection between disability advocacy and human rights.
Panelists will draw on personal experiences and advocacy efforts to explore how race, gender, socioeconomic status, and other factors intersect with disability, creating layered challenges for people with disabilities.
Attendees will leave with practical insights on how to build a more inclusive, equitable society for people with disabilities, and how to connect it with broader human rights causes.
This venue is wheelchair accessible.
This panel will be led by:
Hannah Brown: Hannah (they/them) has a passion for inclusion and accessibility, specifically how we can improve access universally for all folks. Hannah is highly involved at UVic and has held several positions on campus and has made many connections across the university that enable them to support their fellow disabled students.
Michael Moore
Jamal RamirezRSVP Here
Equity in Action: Connecting Disability & Human Rights
Saturday, March 22, 2025
4:00 pm
Victoria City Hall(1 Centennial Square, Victoria, BC)
Email all accessibility requests to, or call 250-721-9611.
Victoria City Hall is wheelchair accessible.
An ASL interpreter is confirmed, but please email us by Friday, March 7 if you'll be needing this service so we can pre-arrange seating, etc.
This conversation is part of CREAN’s Cracks in the Concrete Conference, March 21-23, 2025. The Conference is a weekend of collaboration, creativity, curiosity, networking, and interactive discussions. Through hosting the Cracks in the Concrete Conference, CREAN hopes to spark interest in under-researched topics, strengthen research and education networks, and provide information to community members in an inclusive and accessible manner. Visit for more information.
We respectfully acknowledge that this event takes place on the unceded territories of the Lekwungen (Chekonein, Chilcowitch, Swengwhung, Kosampsom, Whyomilth, Teechamitsa, Kakyaakan, Songhees, Esquimalt) and W̱SÁNEĆ (SȾÁUTW/Tsawout, W̱JOȽEȽP/Tsartlip, BOḰEĆEN/Pauquachin, WSIḴEM/Tseycum) Peoples.